My story; in a nutshell
I was born in 1989 in Nieuwegein and grew up in a separated family. On one side, I experienced illness and poverty; on the other, a respectable middle-class environment with working parents. From both worlds, I learned that money is not a prerequisite for happiness. From a young age, I learned to be independent and creative with money. Although I started at the VWO/gymnasium, I moved down to VMBO TL because my interests were mainly in the student council and organizing events.
I pursued various studies, including paraveterinary animal care, IT management, graphic design, Culinary Arts, weight consulting, and sports & nutrition. As an autodidact, I taught myself several skills and speak multiple languages. At the age of 23, I started my own business, and in 2020, together with my ex-husband, I established a multi-million dollar company, where I was responsible for administration, finance, marketing, and communication.
However, I didn't want to do this for the rest of my life; the stress increased and my health suffered. I traveled extensively, visiting the Philippines, Curaçao, Japan, Turkey, and more than 20 other countries. These journeys inspired me, and I sought a place where I could live burden-free—without stress and financial worries, completely self-sufficient.
In 2018, I ended up in Greece and met a Greek man there. In 2020, I became pregnant, and COVID changed everything. My university in Athens closed, and I decided to return to the Netherlands. My son Max was born while I was living in a chalet and studying online. I searched for a home for 2.5 years, but the market exploded. I was on my own, as Max's father lost his business due to the lockdown and faced health issues.
Eventually, I returned to Greece and quickly found a beautiful home with a sea view. In December 2023, I quit my job and let go of the business with my ex. Using my savings, I started Vytality. In February, I bought a rooftop tent for my car, and in March 2024, I gave up my house. I sold my belongings, and the rest went into storage.